The Condobolin Railway Museum

Madline Street, Condobolin, New South Wales, 2877

The Condobolin Railway Museum at Madline Street Condobolin is a must see for train buffs. The barracks building is described by the NSW Department of Heritage and the Environment as the best extant example of a rest house constructed from precast concrete in NSW in the 1920’s; but that alone does not make it a compulsory stop for visiting rail enthusiasts.

It houses a diverse collection of old trikes, trailers and railway items as well as other pieces including old motors and horse drawn machinery donated by local people. .

Visitors to the museum are most welcome. Ask the staff at Western Plains Regional Development Centre or call them to arrange a visit. Visits to the Condobolin Railway Museum can be organised by contacting the staff of the Western Plains Regional Development Centre on the number provided.

There are currently no fixed operating hours or admission charges but a collection this extensive is worthy of the attention by anyone with an interest in railway heritage.



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